Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

As a Christian, Easter is very special day. As a kid, I loved Easter for its Hymns. Lo in the Grave he Lay was my favorite, and remains my favorite.

Christ is Risen. He is Risen indeed.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


This was a well deserved long weekend. I managed to get a lot done. I updated my Flickr page: My long lost friend called me a photo-genius after he saw my page. It's been an eventful week that ended with the Resurrection of Christ.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Loneliness or Peacefulness

I had plans for Saturday.Though it was forecasted to rain, I was really looking forward it, not expecting much. But there came news late Friday night which I knew was going to affect Saturday. The question was to cancel or not to cancel for Saturday. Come Saturday morning my worst fear was manifesting.
I let my emotion get the best of me. Friday night's emotions clouded my thoughts for Saturday. I ruined Saturday forever.